Thursday 10 October 2013


Hello world.
Welcome! This is my new spot, snuggled up in a cosy corner of the internet with an avocado face mask on and a nice big cup of tea. Prettily Ever After is just my little place to speak out about things I feel passionate about; healthy eating, beauty and fitness as well as touching on a few subjects which have shaped me to be who I am.

I am not one of those super stunning Youtube "Beauty Gurus" or "Beauty Bloggers" I'm not a stick insect and definitely on the chubby end of the scale but like a lot of people out there, I have set myself a goal to achieve a state where I feel comfortable in my own skin and in optimum health. I don't want to be a twig, I just want to be healthy. I believe in doing things the natural way with hard work and dedication, clean eating and daily walks in fresh air. I don't have flawless skin or luxurious tumbling locks that seem to be made of satin and I don't think I've ever even owned a Mac product (I know, I know, I'm really not the kind of person who you'd imagine to be writing a blog about their lifestyle!) but I am a firm believer that good old Judy Garland was right. "Always be the first rate version of yourself and not the second rate version of someone else." I think its truly an admirable quality when you can learn to appreciate who you are, without comparing yourself to other people. It is something I am working on and very much a work in progress which is why I have decided to blog the progress of my journey- of learning to love and accept who I am. 

I absolutely LOVE nothing more than curling up in bed and reading all my favorite blogs and passing the hours, as I watch my favorite youtubers test out every hair serum and matte lipstick, healthy smoothie recipe or workout regime that the planet has to offer... but what I really love is when some of those well-known and loved names, branch out and talk to the world about real life issues; about their daily struggles, about their hangups and insecurities. We all know that the media's airbrushed models have shattered self esteem the world over so I find it ridiculously comforting to find those special gems who focus on Beauty on the inside AS WELL as the outside. After all, confidence, growing as a person, making mistakes and learning from them all contribute to our "beauty"; how we hold ourselves, the way we react to negative situations, the vibes we give off to other people; I think they matter more than having epically groomed eyebrows and being able to rock a red lippie. I suppose this blog is a quest for finding that balance in my own life and along the way, hopefully I help out a few of you as well. I have always struggled from panic attacks and crippling anxiety. My self-esteem has been in ICU and I've just lacked confidence to a degree that has stopped me living my life to its full potential. I know I'm not the only one out there who suffers with this and if you are reading this and feel the same, please know that you aren't alone. 

I am by no means an expert and I haven't necessarily found the best products that work for me yet, but I think that is one of the things that draws us into this community- to find out about products that we wouldn't necessarily discovered on our own. After all, one of the ultimate pleasures in life is to find the little things that makes us feel good; whether it be eating the froth off a cappuccino with a spoon, a product that makes your skin glow, a banana mashed up in your hair to make it soft and frizz free, a book that really speaks to you, a song that you just can't stop listening to or even a meal that comforts you.  So that is what i'm here to talk about. The little things that work for me, and my own journey of self discovery and acceptance. 

Yours 'til Niagra Falls,

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Great information! Would you please consider sharing my link to your readers? Please email me back at haileyxhailey

